Vibrant Health Vitamin D3 Supplement

Certified Organic Tablet Provides a Delivery Vehicle for
4000 I.U Vitamin D3 That Is Free of Contaminants,
Genetically Modified Substances or Other Undesirable Components

Vibrant Health Vitamin D3 Supplement imageVibrant Health Vitamin D3 is delivered in the cleanest dosage form possible: Certified Organic Tablets. No gelatin, no noxious binders. The vitamin itself is not certified organic, because isolated nutrients cannot be certified under current regulations. But the rest of the tablet is composed of more than 95% certified organic materials, delivering Vitamin D3 in a certified organic tablet. 100 tablets, serving size is 1 tablet.

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What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin, a group of fat-soluble prohormones, which encourages the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous. People who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight do not need vitamin D supplements because sunlight promotes sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

Vitamin D Sources

People require ten to fifteen minutes of sun exposure at least twice a week on the face, arms, hands or back without sunscreen for adequate amounts of vitamin D3. Longer exposure results in the extra vitamin supply being degraded as fast as it is generated.

Food Rich in Vitamin D

The flesh of fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, and fish liver oils are among the best sources of Vitamin D3. Small amounts of vitamin D3 are found in beef liver, cheese and egg yolks. Milk and foods that are fortified with vitamin D use the D2 form, which is inferior to the natural vitamin D3 form for several reasons, as listed below.

Benefits of Taking Vitamin D Supplement?

If you do not get sufficient Vitamin D from sun exposure, your body becomes deficient in this necessary vitamin. Research over the past decade has reinforced the importance of Vitamin D in human nutrition. In the process, new roles in health maintenance related to immunity and chemoprevention have been added to the nutrients widely known benefits for skeletal health, and, indirectly, for tissue integrity. Vitamin D has now been shown to have a role in preventing various illnesses, while supporting brain and immune function.

How Much Vitamin D to Take?

Out of the new research has come a reevaluation of ideal maximum daily intakes of Vitamin D. A consensus has evolved among researchers that the old RDI of 400 i.u. per day is inadequate. Instead, they point to ideal intakes of vitamin D3 ranging from 1,000 i.u. for infants, up through 2,000 i.u. for children and teenagers. Intake for adults is officially recommended at 2,000 i.u., although as we age, it becomes more difficult to absorb sufficient vitamin D. Therefore, some of the most respected researchers (e.g. Heaney, et. al.) insist that 4,000 to 10,000 i.u. are suitable for older adults in order to maintain immunity and skeletal health.

Even though we now know more vitamin D is needed, widespread use of sunscreen and consumption of processed foods has placed increasing numbers of the population at risk of vitamin D deficiency. More persons than originally suspected have been found to be clinically deficient. Fortified foods and supplements can be used to maintain a desirable level of vitamin D nutrition in the nation's food supply. Vibrant Healths certified organic tablet provides a delivery vehicle for Vitamin D3 that is free of contaminants, genetically modified substances or other undesirable components.

Vitamin D3 is easily and safely held in circulation and in body tissues until it is needed. Then the kidneys convert circulating vitamin D to the hormonal form, calcitriol, or 1-25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 as needed. It is this hormonal form that, along with parathyroid hormone, stimulates retention of calcium by kidneys. Calcitriol improves the efficiency of calcium uptake from the intestines, raises circulating calcium levels, and helps drive calcium into bone. As a side benefit, parathyroid hormone secretion is lessened as circulating calcium increases. When that happens, osteoclasts, become less active. They are the cells that are directed by parathyroid hormone to tear down bone.

Side Effects of Taking Too Much Vitamin D

Taking too much vitamin D can cause several side effects. However, scientists don' t all agree on how much is too much. The National Institutes of Health has set the maximum tolerable upper limit at 1,000 IU daily for infants 0 - 6 months, 1,500 IU daily for infants 6 months to one year, 2,500 IU daily for children 1 - 3 years, 3,000 IU daily for children 4 - 8 years, and 4,000 IU daily for anyone over 9. Side effects may include metal taste in mouth, poor appetite, weight loss, tiredness, sore eyes, itchy skin, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Although you cannot get too much vitamin D from sunlight, and it would be very hard to get too much from food. Generally, too much vitamin D is a result of taking supplements in too high a dose, usually over 8,000 i.u. a day for adults.

What Is the Difference Between Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3?

(The source of the following text is from

There are two types of vitamin D, and they are NOT interchangeable. Drisdol is a synthetic form of vitamin D2, made by irradiating fungus and plant matter, and is the form of vitamin D typically prescribed by doctors. This is not the type produced by your body in response to sun or safe tanning bed exposure, which is vitamin D3. 

A recent meta-analysis by the Cochrane Database looked at mortality rates for people who supplemented their diets with D2 versus those who did so with D3 (the form naturally produced by your body), highlighting the significant differences between the two. The analysis of 50 randomized controlled trials, which included a total of 94,000 participants, showed:

  • A six percent relative risk reduction among those who used vitamin D3, but a two percent relative risk increase among those who used D2
  • According to the latest research, D3 is approximately 87 percent more potentin raising and maintaining vitamin D concentrations and produces 2- to 3-fold greater storage of vitamin D than does D2.
  • Regardless of which form you use, your body must convert it into a more active form, and vitamin D3 is converted 500 percent faster than vitamin D2.
  • Vitamin D2 also has a shorter shelf life, and its metabolites bind poorly with proteins, further hampering its effectiveness.

According to the Vitamin D Council:

"You would think a paper that took a look at tens of thousands of subjects and analyzed the efficacy of prescription vitamin D (D2) and over-the-counter vitamin D (D3) would warrant a news story or two. . . While there may be explanations for D3's superiority other than improved efficacy, for the time being, these papers send doctors a message: use D3, not D2."

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