Far Infrared Light Therapy Devices

Far Infrared Wavelength Chart imageWhat is Far Infrared?

Far Infrared light is part of the Suns invisible spectrum, which is measured in microns and is approximately subdivided into near-infrared (0.7 to 2 microns), medium or mid-infrared (2 to 4 microns) and far-infrared (4 to 1000 microns). The range of 8.4 to 9.4 microns is considered a Vital Range for optimum benefits.

It is thought that light photons are absorbed by the skin and underlying tissue, which triggers biological changes within the body in a process known as photobiomodulation. Although the exact mechanism of action is still undergoing study, what is known is that monochromatic light increases oxygen and blood flow, facilitating wound healing.

All biological systems have a unique absorption spectrum that determines which wavelengths of light will be absorbed to produce a given therapeutic effect. The visible red and far infrared portions of the spectrum -- in the 660 to 880 wavelength -- have been shown to be highly absorbent and produce unique restorative effects on living tissues, and are consider in the vital range.

Is Far Infrared Safe?

Far infrared heat is a form of energy. The sun is an example of a principle source of infrared radiant energy that we experience on a daily basis. Our bodies absorb, as well as emit infrared radiant energy. Although it cannot be seen, you experience far infrared light as heat.

There is a long list of proven and effective health benefits of far infrared therapy that has been documented over the past 25 years. Thus far infrared saunas, which utilize the process of radiant heat, have replaced traditional steam saunas and hot rocks, which utilize the process of convection heat, as a comprehensive tool for optimum health maintenance and disease prevention. Infrared saunas create sweat containing 15 -20% toxins, making them one of the best tools available for full body detoxification.

Products Based on Far Infrared Technology

nuve blue packaging imagedpl Nuve Pain - FDA Approved for Mild to Moderate Pain

The dpl Nuve Pain is a handheld infrared LED light therapy device, which is FDA approved for treating mild to moderate pain and for skin rejuvenation. View more info about Nuve for Pain

Acne DPL Handheld Infrared LED Light Therapy
FDA Approved for Mild to Moderate Acne

The dpl Nuve Blue is a handheld infrared LED light therapy device, which is FDA approved for treating mild to moderate acne. Acne affects people of all ages, gender and race. Living with acne can be agonizing, tormenting and unfortunately, persistent. The oil in our skin, sebum, causes the pores in our skin to become clogged resulting in pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and even cysts. Sebum is increased when hormones are intensified; which explains why teens are more prone to get acne and why women suffer from more acne breakouts. more info about Acne Infrared LED Therapy Device

Deep Penetrating Light (DPLII) Therapy System

Deep Penetrating Red and Infrared Light Therapy is the most advanced, non-invasive home wrinkle treatment system available to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, creases, furrows, crow's-feet and the visible signs of facial aging.

How Long Before Seeing Results

Using the DPLII Therapy System, some people see results in as little as a few days and others take a month or two to notice a change. Various physical conditions, age, skin condition, diet, alcohol consumption, prescription drug usage, smoking, exercise and other factors influence the rate of improvement. The effects of LED light are often subtle at first, since unlike lasers, peels and other ablative treatments, LED light does not damage the skin to force it to regenerate. Your results will improve the longer you use the light; so though you should see improvement in 60 days, you should see a much more significant change after you've been using it for 6 months or a year.

How DPL Therapy Heals and Rejuvenates the Skin

The DPLII Therapy System uses a form of energy called photon to stimulate deep into the skin. The system has been designed and engineered to produce 4 joules per cm 2. The DPL Therapy System has a combination of 154 880nm infrared LEDs and 20 660 nm Red LEDs -- just as NASA has specified.

All biological systems have a unique absorption spectrum, this uniqueness determines which wavelengths of light will be absorbed to produce a given therapeutic effect. The visible red and infrared portions of the spectrum have been shown to be highly absorbent and produce unique restorative effects on living tissues. more info about DPL Therapy Device

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