It's no mystery that the air inside our homes, offices and nearly every building we enter is contaminated with air pollution problems. But wading through the plethora of air purification technologies and models to make our living and working space free of pollution can be a daunting task, especially with the misinformation presented by so many salespeople.
There are many different air purification technologies and air filters on the market, but no one air purifier technology can solve every air pollution problem, which is why we carry different technologies and brands. This page will help to demystify the process of determining which technology is right for your air pollution problem, and help you select the models that suit your environment and budget.
When helping people to decide which technology and which model is right for their particular air pollution problems, the following are factors that we consider:
Pollution Problem (most important factor) - Knowing what air pollution problems you want to get rid of is the most important factor in selecting the right air purifier, because not all technologies get rid of all indoor air pollutants. For instance, if odors, chemicals or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are your problem, you need UV oxidation or carbon technology to get rid of the problem. A HEPA will NOT get rid of VOCs or chemical fumes and gases.
Cubic Air Space - All air purifiers list the maximum square footage they can cover, but that assumes ideal conditions and a standard eight foot ceiling. If your ceiling is higher, you must consider the cubic air space that is to be treated. For instance, if your space is 20' x 20' with an eight foot ceiling, you have 400 square feet to treat. However, if your 20' x 20' room has a twelve foot ceiling, you have 600 cubic air space to treat.
Contaminant Factor - The higher the contaminant factor, the lower the square footage the unit can cover. For example, the Surround XJ-3000D can cover 600 square feet, but if the unit is for a pack-a-day smoker, the XJ-3000D will only be able to cover about 300 square foot because cigarette smoke is a tough pollution issue.
Occupancy - People bring pollutants inside the space through their shoes and clothes, and that adds to the existing pollution levels already in the space, so the more people occupy the space, the higher the pollution levels and the smaller the square footage the air purifier can treat. Thus, a space with 3 people in it generally doesn't change the treatable area, but 12 people in the space will. This is even more true with children.
Animals - Animals bring a lot of pollution with them in the form of odors, dander, hair and diseases like kennel cough, so the number of animals, their body size and hair type are always factored into the equation.
If you are unsure of your needs, give us a call toll free at 866-875-4386 for help. With nearly 10 years experience with seven different air purification technologies and thousands of unit sold, we are uniquely qualified to help you solve your air pollution problems.
The following are the most common air pollution problems. Select the one that is most important to you, then click the "more info" link for more information about that contaminant and a list of the air purifier technologies that can solve that problem.
Animal treatment rooms and kennel areas can have high levels of viruses and bacteria, such as canine infectious tracheobronchitis (kennel cough), one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in dogs. Specific air purification technologies can significantly reduce the viral and bacterial infections spreading throughout the kennel, solving a major problem boarding facilities face. Additionally, these specially designed systems eliminate unpleasant odors, improving the quality of air for those who work with pets, as well as creating clean, fresh, healthy air to greet your clients when they enter your business. Air Purifiers for Animal Odors and Infectious Diseases
Secondhand smoke contains more than 4,000 substances, more than 40 of which are known to cause cancer in humans or animals and many of which are strong irritants. Plus, many people find the smell of smoke offensive, and will often refuse to patronize businesses who allow smokers. And any non-smoker will tell you that smoke-free sections in bars, restaurants, casinos, bingo halls and offices are NEVER smoke free. Smoke odors, chemicals and fumes have a way of traveling to every nook and cranny, highly offending most non-smokers. Air Purifiers for Cigarette, Cigar and Pipe Smoke
Once cut, fresh produce, flowers and plants produce ethylene gas while they age. If allowed to accumulate, the ethylene further accelerates the aging process. Continuous or intermittent use of appropriate levels of ozone in refrigerated spaces has shown to be effective in reducing the rate of plant and produce aging by destroying ethylene without producing any negative side effects on the product, thus reducing spoilage and extending the quality and shelf life of most produce. A side benefit is that it also gets rid of odors. The following product is designed for refrigerator odors and food spoilage: Refrigerator Ozonator for Odors and Food Spoilage
For the past two decades mounting evidence suggests that dependence on the natural exchange of air between the indoors and outdoors through air infiltration and exfiltration may not be sufficient for good moisture control and indoor air quality. It also has become increasingly obvious that traditional ventilation methods, like opening a window or use of a common bath fan, are not providing adequate ventilation. A properly designed and installed ventilation system is the key to positive moisture control and will help ensure a healthy indoor environment for the occupant.
The solution is an air exchanger, heat recovery ventilator (HRV) or energy recovery ventilator (ERV). These mechanical ventilation systems use fans to maintain a low-velocity flow of fresh outdoor air into the house (incoming air stream) while exhausting out an equal amount of stale indoor air (exhaust air stream). Fresh air is supplied to all levels of the house while stale air is removed from areas with high levels of pollutants and moisture. Air Ventilation for Humidity Control and Fresh Air Exchange
Microbials pollutants include microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi, mildew, mold spores and mycotoxins produced by a fungus, as small as .001 microns. Microbials often thrive in heating and air conditioning ducts. The most effective technologies to treat microbial pollution are those that produce oxidizers that destroy microbials. Air Purifiers for Microbial
Some of the most toxic indoor air is found in nail salons. There are a number of noxious fumes in the polish, remover, varnish and adhesives commonly used at nail salons. Chemicals that are used in nail care products include, but are not limited to, toluene and formaldehyde, which the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration classifies as carcinogens (cancer-causing). Air Purifiers for Nail and Beauty Salons and Spas
Odors comes from many sources, such as animals, food, bodies, cooking, smelly sports and camping equipment, shoes, litter boxes, cigarettes, cigars, pipe smoke, smoke damage, etc. Odor sponges, ozone and oxidation are three technologies that remove odors effectively. Ozone is an effective technology to treat odors, however, many people are sensitive to ozone, and many others don't want an ozone producing technology. If you have a tough industrial odor problem, then commercial models such as the Air Oasis 5000PRO are the best choices. Air Purifiers for Odor Control
Particulate includes dust, dust mites, dust mite feces, pollen, pet dander, skin flakes (food for dust mites), smoke particles, allergens, etc. When the sun shines through your window and you see things floating in the air, that's particulate. Filtration and negative ions are the fastest technologies to clean the air of particulate. Air Purifiers for Particulate Removal
In the past 20 years, an expanding body of evidence has shown the tremendous impact indoor air pollution has on our health. All people, and especially infants, children, the elderly and persons with chronic diseases, are most susceptible. Since most children typically spend a large amount of their time in school classrooms, they are often exposed to very high levels of air pollutants, including mold, airborne bacteria that lead to contagious diseases, chemical fumes and gases, odors, etc. The effects of breathing indoor air pollution include dizziness, irritability, coughing, sneezing, dry eyes, hay fever, allergies, asthma symptoms, sinus problems, ear infections, depression, fatigue, headaches, nausea, breathing problems and respiratory infections. Plus the effects of contracting contagious diseases -- spread by airborne germs, viruses and bacteria -- promote increased student and teacher absenteeism. Air Purifiers for School Rooms
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are invisible gases which are emitted from paints, adhesives, carpeting, wall coverings, new furniture, building materials, solvents, cleaning solutions, copy machines, laser printers, nail treatment products, cigarettes, cigars and pipes, plastic products and more. Studies using experimental chambers have shown that VOCs can cause irritation of the respiratory system in humans and animals. Controlled experiments with people who suffer from Sick Building Syndrome confirm that VOC exposure can cause headache, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Dozens of VOCs have been identified in residential air. Air Purifiers for VOCs and Chemicals
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